Network planning and design

Network planning and design

We provide the optimal solution for planning radio network transmitters in a given area, thus ensuring the expected range in the specific technology.

We will design new facilities and redesign existing ones, e.g. by extending them with new technologies or operated frequency bands. We know and use professional tools for network design.

When planning and designing the network, we use our own N! drone fleet.

We have four unmanned aerial vehicles, drones – built on N! special order for checking the view line using a drone instead of a basket lift.

We employ twenty-four people with permissions for flying drones within sight.

Services provided with drones:

  • panorama of the area around the facility – from a height of up to 100m
  • verification of the view line for the microwave transmission – up to 20km
  • verification of the availability of space for the installation – from a height of up to 100m
  • inventory of network facilities

N! drones in action
